Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Make old extensions works with Firefox 3

The beta releases of Firefox 3.0 was released some days ago.

In Every release of a new beta version some of our old firefox extensions and add-ons become not more usable.
In the latest release of Firefox, exactly 3.0rc1 , almost none of them work.

There's an easy solution to this problem and it come from

THEY repeats:DO NOT TRY THIS unless you are comfortable editing the advanced preferences of your browser. And don't do anything until you've read through this entire post.

1) Type about:config in Firefox 3.0rc1
2) Add a new Boolean var
3) Type extensions.checkCompatibility
4) Set it to false
5) Restart Firefox

When the browser comes back up, version checking is disabled so the browser could warn you about this. You can double-check "Tools:Add-Ons" to make sure everything is activated once again.

If this procedure fails you have to go manually to your prefs.js and remove the var that you inserted in the step 3.


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