Monday, September 19, 2016

How to access git using a key pair

The following method will help you accessing your repository using a keypair file. 
This could be usefull when you are using Amazon server with a keypair file without a password otherwise you don't need to follow this guide.

1) Upload/Copy the keypair file (.pem) on your  ~/.ssh/ directory

$ cp cert.pem  ~/.ssh/.

2) Move on your ssh directory and change the permissions on the file

$ chmod 400 cert.pem

3) Create or update your  ~/.ssh/config file

$ nano  ~/.ssh/config

4) Copy and update the rows below with the correct hostname, user and identifyfile:

Host git
User ubuntu
IdentityFile /pathtossh/ssh/cert.pem

5) Clone the repository

$ git clone git:/path/to/remoteproject/repository.git


If you need to copy and overwrite the entire cloned project inside another directory you could you the command below:

$ \cp -R source destination

To update your projects and use the new address you need to open the project's git config file

$ nano ~/path/to/remoteproject/.git/config 

After that you have to change the url line:


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